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Sorting keys in a yaml

June 16, 2023 - blogging beginner

SO I needed to sort the keys in a gigantic YAML file and I thought I would just have to write some query and for loops with yq, and it's going to be quick, BUT that turned out to be a few hours of me trying to reinvent the wheel. WHAT. THE.

Me, realized that I just did the unnecessary, when yq provides a function that achieves my goal, in a much more simple and efficient way:

alt text

Apparently, yq has a function to sort keys recursively in a YAML file. Like. Everything in a YAML. Except from arrays and scalars.

Just run:

yq eval '.fruits | sort_keys(.)'

And then it will sort the keys 1-step under .fruits. Need ALL keys under that key sorted? Say no more.

yq eval '.fruits | sort_keys(..)'

Just add another dot and BOOM, all the keys got sorted. Crazy times.