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7 pages tagged with "beginner"

Routing clients through Tailscale exit node on pfSense

February 04, 2024 - 378 words - 2 mins
Have a device that needs to use VPN but don't have any Tailscale client app? Don't give up just yet! It can still be done using pfSense. To future me, here's how I did it: This post is made for pfSense 2.7.0-RELEASE and Tailscale 1.44.0. There might be changes with different versions of the softwar… read more

Deploying a Cloud-Init Ubuntu on Proxmox

October 17, 2023 - 417 words - 3 mins
I wanted a reusable template for a VM that can easily be deployed and automatically get connected to my Tailnet as soon as it receives internet connection. To future me, here's how I created it: wget -O /var/lib/vz/templat… read more

Sorting keys in a yaml

June 16, 2023 - 156 words - 1 mins
SO I needed to sort the keys in a gigantic YAML file and I thought I would just have to write some query and for loops with yq, and it's going to be quick, BUT that turned out to be a few hours of me trying to reinvent the wheel. WHAT. THE. Me, realized that I just did the unnecessary, when yq prov… read more

So I was curious about Prow...

August 09, 2020 - 835 words - 5 mins
Prow is a CI/CD system used in the Kubernetes repositories. I know it for the ChatOps feature which I found very cool and fun. I decided to give it a try myself and see it in action. Prerequisites A working Kubernetes cluster with internet access A GCP account A GitHub account Installation Prow ca… read more

Using awsudo for the first time

August 08, 2020 - 297 words - 2 mins
Recently at work there's been a new method introduced to further improve security. Instead of permissions assigned to a specific user or group, users are assigned permissions that allows them to assume specific roles. And so because of that I've been using this tool called awsudo. It's a simple tool… read more

I just tried Vertical Pod Autoscaler

February 16, 2020 - 825 words - 5 mins
Right-sizing a deployment of an app on a Kubernetes cluster is a tricky thing to do. Setting requests and limits too high, you might end up with unschedullable pods due to resource scarcity. Setting requets and limits too low and you might end up with OOMKilled pods. Luckily, there's an answer (kind… read more

My first Zola blog post

January 01, 0000 - 32 words - 1 mins
Welcome to my new blog! I used Zola to build it. I hope you enjoy! (I'm not great at writing, so most of the time it's all over the place.) read more